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Online hyper-linked documentation for all plug-ins.Resolution independent, antialiased, high quality images.All plug-ins have multiple options and parameters that can be adjusted and animated for creating an unlimited range of effects.More than 200 total plug-ins for image processing and synthesis.Includes support for Adobe CS3 and Smart FX.They have been used extensively in an array of televison programs, music videos and feature films, including Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy, Spider-Man Trilogy, Transformers, Indiana Jones Series, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Matrix Trilogy, X-Men Series, Lost and CSI. Sapphire Plug-ins equips digital artists with state-of-the-art image processing and synthesis effects such as Glows, EdgeRays, LensFlare, Lightning, FilmEffect, FilmDamage, Cartoon, ZDefocus, BleachBypass, SwishPan, Light3D, Deband, Warps, Transitions and Textures. These plugins are resolution independent, and they support HD, 2K and 4K. The Sapphire VFX support the Smart FX API. Sapphire Plug-ins extend the capabilities of editing and compositing workstations including Adobe After Effects (AE), Premiere Pro and Elements, Eyeon Fusion and Autodesk Combustion. GenArts Sapphire Plug-ins includes over 200 2D visual effects for the post production, film, broadcast and digital video industries.